Learning Tools - Dyslexia & Autism Empowerment

Many adults and children with average to high levels of intelligence, curiosity, creativity, and innovation struggle with everyday tasks. These struggles are related to how they learn and having a low threshold of confusion.  We offer one-to-one coaching for such neurodivergent individuals.

Neurodiversity refers to variation in the human brain regarding sociability, learning, attention, mood, and other mental functions in a non-pathological sense. It is the diversity of human brains and minds. A person who falls into this category is a neurodivergent individual.  Here at Learning Tools, we work with several recognized types of neurodivergence; autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, and ADHD.

At Learning Tools we use the Davis® Methods to assist adults and children, attain the skills, confidence, and motivation needed to achieve their goals.

These programs and methods match individuals learning styles. Gentle, no-pressure, hands-on, three-dimensional, and creative activities guide the student to gain significant improvements. Drill, repetitive and computer-based exercises are not implemented.

Every Programs Include:

•    One-to-one facilitation
•    Support training for student’s family, tutor(s) or teacher(s)
•    All necessary take-home materials for program follow-up

In every program here at Learning Tools, students are given tools to focus, control energy, and manage stress.  These tools will empower them to meet their goals and participate more fully in life.

Programs are offered for learning & correcting multiple struggles of neurodivergent learners:

CALL now to learn how Learning Tools can help you and/or your child reach their goals and stop the struggle. 206.451.7102.

Not sure if it is Dyslexia, check out the online screening:   Dyslexia Test/Online Screening

Empowering those who think and learn differently.

All around the world, Davis is making a difference every day. With our unique insights and specialized expertise, we understand the root cause of both the perceptual gifts AND the challenges that accompany neurodivergent thinking.

The Davis Methods use proven strength-based tools and effective learning strategies that unlock clients' innate ability to learn and thrive.

Our highly trained licensed Davis facilitators deliver life-changing, personalized programs (1:1) with respect, care, and a commitment to positive outcomes for all ages.