A dyslexia correction program can dramatically change a student in just a few days, the tools taught are empowering for a dyslexic and allows them to take control of their learning.
The program typically includes 30 hours of one-on-one work over a 5-day period. The two major components of the Davis Dyslexia Correction program are Orientation Counseling and Symbol Mastery.
The dyslexia correction program resolves difficulties with reading, writing, spelling, and/or penmanship (dysgraphia). Developed for children (approximately age 8 and above), teens, and adults.
Skills learned with the Davis® Dyslexia Correction Program:
- to create and monitor a focused state at will
- to self-regulate energy levels to appropriately match the task at hand
- to improve balance and coordination
- to resolve confusion caused by alphabetical letters and punctuation
- to understand one’s own learning style and recognize its gifts
- Increased self-esteem
- Strengthened left-to-right eye movement for accurate word decoding
- Improved spelling skills
- Ability to utilize one’s creative thought processes for letter and word mastery
- Increased accuracy in reading: decrease of substitutions, insertions, and omissions
- Improved fluency and word decoding abilities
- Improved comprehension
- Improved penmanship
- Skills for transferring thoughts in the mind to words on paper
Call now for a free phone consultation: 206.451.7102.
A peak into a typical day of a Dyslexia Program
- Review previous days’ work
- Check in and get into the perfect learning place using the newly learned tools
- Play koosh balls while balancing
- Reading Exercises
- Clay work (dictionary usage, making up sentences, creative clay models of the meaning of a word, making the word in clay, mastering the meaning and spelling of the word using our tools, visualization, and the model that was created)
- Breaks throughout the day (typically there are 4 -6 breaks throughout the day plus the one hour lunch)
- This cycle of work is continued throughout the day with other lessons interspersed such as pronunciation key, punctuation, dictionary skills, neurodiversity characteristics, and strengths.