The Davis Dyslexia Correction program is 30 hours of one on one work with a Facilitator. Follow-up work, which includes symbol mastery of all remaining trigger words, is done at home at the students pace. Attention Mastery (for ADD or ADHD) program is 30-35 hours of one on one work with the facilitator. Follow-up work varies on the needs of the client. Math Mastery program is 36-48 hours of one on one work with the facilitator. Follow-up work, which includes symbol mastery of all remaining story problem trigger words, is done at home at the students pace. A Young Learners Program is 30-36 hours working with the facilitator and a parent. Follow-up work, which includes symbol mastery of all remaining trigger words, is done at home at the students pace.
How long does a program take?
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