Will these programs help a child who is taking Ritalin for ADHD?

Will these programs help a child who is taking Ritalin for ADHD?

The Davis Program is not recommended for children who are on medications to treat attention focusing problems at the time of the program.

I will be happy to consult with families whose children are on medication but typically will not provide the Davis Dyslexia Correction program to a child while on Ritalin or similar medications. Stimulant medications such as Ritalin will tend to interfere with the student’s ability to learn the control of their mind’s eye, and techniques such as dial-setting, which are a significant element of Davis methods.

Sometimes parents elect to have their child do a program during a school break when they can also take a Ritalin “vacation” However, the decision to interrupt medication can only be made by the parent along with the treating physician.


*Used with permission from Dyslexia the Gift website, www.Dyslexia.com © 1995-2006 Davis Dyslexia Association International Reprinted with Permission