Can I do this program on my own, just by reading the book?
A parent working at home can NOT replicate the comprehensive program that is offered by experienced Davis Facilitators. However,...
What happens after the program, is there follow-up work?
For all programs follow-up work is needed, the amount depends on the client needs and program completed. Each client...
Can a person lose his/her natural abilities after the program?
No, the Davis Methods utilize the client’s strengths and teaches them how to use their natural abilities to learn...
Do I have to have an official diagnosis of Dyslexia?
No, a diagnosis of dyslexia is NOT needed. The first step is to schedule an initial consultation. There will...
Can Davis methods help children with attention focus problems or hyperactivity?
Yes. Davis Facilitators have training in specialized methods designed to help students who have attention focus problems or hyperactivity. ...