A Change!
Posted in Newsletters

Learning Tools has made a change!
My domain name has changed from Learning Tools Dyslexia to Learning Tools For Life.
I made this change for a number of reasons:
- The first reason is that I’m adding on the Davis Autism Programs and a Parenting Skills program to my services. The “For life” addition to Learning Tools is broader and encompasses the new programs instead of just being known for Dyslexia services.
- I also feel that once you learn the “tools” in all of the programs I offer, you or your child will use them in everyday life, all the time.. and I’m going to imagine I will keep using them my whole life.
- Lastly, one of the Davis programs for autism is called “Concepts for Life” so the “for Life” just seemed like the perfect fit.
My email has changed as well, I am now using info@learningtoolsforlife.com, so please update your contacts/address book as needed.